Taming Your Closet

by | Jan 2024

Messy Closet

Pexels/Ron Lach

Sometimes, less is more when it comes to your wardrobe. I recommend cleaning out your closet twice a year and organizing it in a way that is practical for your lifestyle or the current season. The impact it can have on your daily routine and overall well-being is truly transformative.

Here’s how a tidy wardrobe can make your life easier:

  • Time Saver: With everything neatly arranged and easily visible, you’ll spend less time searching for that perfect outfit.
  • Streamlined Decision Making: An organized closet with fewer choices makes it easier to decide what to wear or even what to pack for a trip and can increase confidence.
  • Stress Reduction: A clean and organized space brings a sense of calm and order to your mornings when deciding what to wear, reducing stress levels and decision fatigue.
  • Money Saver: Having all items organized and visible will help prevent you from buying duplicate items or forgetting about clothes buried at the back of the closet. This also helps you identify any possible gaps in your wardrobe.
  • Improved Clothing Longevity: Properly stored clothes last longer. Be sure to fold delicate and heavy knits instead of hanging them, invest in quality hangers and stuff your purses and tall boots to prevent creasing and misshaping.

Embrace simplicity, declutter your closet and experience the transformation it brings.

Alexandra Eve is a local stylist and wardrobe consultant. To learn more, visit alexandraeve.net.


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