Music lessons everyone can enjoy.
The White Bear Area Senior Program has a music program for elders starring the unique instrument that originated in Hawaii—the ukulele.
Known as “Ukulele Bears,” the class is held at the White Bear Area Senior Center. It was organized with seniors in mind, but everyone is welcome to join. Jam sessions are 10:00-11:30 a.m. the first, second and third Mondays of each month. On second and third Mondays, there is a free lesson from 9-10 a.m.
“The senior program has ukuleles and music books that participants can borrow, but once people start to get into it, they usually buy their own,” says adult programs coordinator Tara Jebens-Singh.
The group uses The Daily Ukulele, which has 365 songs. “We have one for every day of the year,” says Paul Wolleat, the group’s teacher.
Wolleat says he loves the ukulele because it’s very easy to learn. “Most people in the group have no experience playing anything. People come for the first time and can start playing right away. We have new people just about every session,” says Wolleat.
“The uke is a magical instrument. I can teach you to play it in a minute. With just two chords, you can play a lot of songs,” says Wolleat.
The group meets in the library’s Senior Circle. Stands and music are provided.
White Bear Area Senior Center
2484 County Rd. F East