Lessons Learned: Golish Brothers Say to Control What You Can

by | Sep 2020

Mahtomedi High School grads and brothers Christian and Aidan Golish

Photo: Tate Carlson

Mahtomedi High School grads Christian and Aidan Golish will both attend the University of Minnesota – but they’re not rooming together.

We’ve compiled some words of wisdom and hope from a few class of 2020 grads. Read about the other students here: Joshua PowellMonte CollinsLandon Smith

Christian and Aidan Golish, Mahtomedi High School 

What are you most proud of in regard to your academic career?

Both Aidan and I graduated with honors; Aidan finished in the top 10 percent of our class and I finished in the top 20 percent. We also found success as two-time leaders of the Mahtomedi Real-World Engineering Team. Our team placed first in the state of Minnesota this year. Although the national competition that usually takes place in Washington DC was moved to an online format, our team was in the national competition. We won the merit award for innovation at nationals.

What sports and/or extra-curricular activities were you involved in?

We both played recreational basketball. We also participated in The Real-World Design Challenge, which was an engineering-based competition that centered around solving real-life challenges using autonomous drones. Faith also played a major role in high school, as we both regularly attended Rock Point Church and weekly youth group. And we both worked at Kowalski’s Markets throughout high school, first starting out as carryout and then cashiers; we even did our interview together.

What are your thoughts on missing some of the big events of your senior year?

When my school shut down in mid-March it was difficult to look to the future. Everything happened so fast and I tried to stay positive and tell myself that things would become normal in a few weeks. I also knew deep down that it was more likely that the few weeks would turn into a few months. As the shock and fear of the initial week of the pandemic subsided, I then started to focus on events that were canceled. Senior prom, graduation ceremony, the senior class party are all events that are important to the high school experience; it was hard to imagine missing out on them. In the end, I understand the reasons why we were forced to cancel the events. But it still is disappointing that we won’t be able to participate in any.

How have you filled your time during the coronavirus?

We both continued to work at Kowalski’s in Oak Park Heights, and spent time finishing classes for our online school. I spent time getting everything ready for the University of Minnesota next year.

What are your plans for the fall?

We are both going to the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Although we won’t be rooming together. 🙂

Area of study?

Christian is planning on studying biology and Aidan is studying biomedical engineering.

Who is one person who has had a profound impact on your life, and how?

Our father, Robert Golish, has had a profound impact on both of us. He is a civil engineer and definitely helped us in math and science-related classes throughout our time in school. He has also inspired Aidan to go into an engineering field.

What have you learned about yourself during this time of coronavirus?  

I have learned that sometimes things happen in life beyond my control, but you have to make the best of your situation and try to focus on the positive. I didn’t expect my senior year to be lost, but in the end, I just tried to control what I can in a unique situation like this.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

We hope that in five years we’re graduating from college and have found a job that we enjoy. I also hope I can look back at my senior year and see the positive light to all of the madness. That just because we missed out on a lot, we can appreciate everything that we were able to participate in during this time.

Do you have a favorite quote or words of wisdom?

“Control what you can control. Don’t lose sleep worrying about things that you don’t have control over because, at the end of the day, you still won’t have any control over them.” Cam Newton


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